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Secondary School Athletics Carnival

Secondary School Athletics Carnival

On Thursday, 10 August our Secondary students participated in their Inter-House Athletics carnival. The day started with a wealth of excitement and anticipation as the students prepared for the big day. Some were eager for the competition, others, excited for a day to dress up and have fun. Much of the staff carried this same sentiment with some bringing their game faces whilst others dressing up as crazy as their students.


With an altered program due to the weather earlier in the week, it was hopeful that there would be clear skies for this day’s events. Although it was breezy and drizzly at times, the heavy rains held off throughout the day only intensifying towards the end. Not dampened by the rain, the day carried a wonderful atmosphere with displays of our key values Character, Commitment and Community.


Events consisted of High Jump, Shot Put, Discus as well as a variety of distance sprints ranging from 100m to 1500m races.


Well done to our great staff who made this a tremendous event and especially to Stefan Grove, Dean of PHE Sport and Experiential Learning.

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